Inspired by Heritage

Sustainably Crafted, Consciously Created.

Inspired by Heritage: Women’s Labor and Cultural Richness

One of the cornerstones of Hyla is our respect for the cultural heritage of Anatolia and the value of women’s labor. As Hanzade and Mehmet, when founding Hyla, we considered it our duty to center these invaluable elements. With its thousands of years of history, unique arts, and rich cultural tapestry, Anatolia is not just a geography but a living museum of human history. We aim to preserve and pass this unique heritage to future generations at Hyla.

Women’s labor is the heart of societies and a cornerstone of economic, social, and cultural development. Our women, with their craftsmanship skills and creativity, keep the cultural heritage of Anatolia alive. Hyla recognizes these unique contributions of women, aiming to bring their creations to the world. Each Hyla product is prepared with care and love, akin to a piece of art crafted by women’s hands.

Anatolia’s rich motifs, weavings, and handiwork meet a modern design approach in Hyla products. This combination not only preserves the legacy of the past but also highlights the labor and creativity of our women. Hyla does more than offer sustainable products; it also contributes to enhancing women’s economic independence and societal roles.

As a brand that recognizes and carries forward the value of our cultural heritage and women’s labor, Hyla offers more than eco-friendly products; it provides a lifestyle. Each of our products is a part of a story that honors this heritage and work. If you wish to be a part of this story and help preserve our cultural legacy, welcome to the world of Hyla.

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